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/ Personal Computer World 2009 February / PCWFEB09.iso / Software / Shareware / Beyond Compare 3.0.10 / BCompareSetup.exe / {app} / BCompare.exe / 0 / RCDATA / TOPCOMPARERESULTSDIALOG / TOPCOMPARERESULTSDIALOG.txt
Text File  |  2008-11-03  |  558b  |  25 lines

  1. inherited OpCompareResultsDialog: TOpCompareResultsDialog
  2.   Left = 283
  3.   Top = 184
  4.   BorderStyle = bsSizeable
  5.   Caption = 'Comparison Results'
  6.   ClientHeight = 343
  7.   ClientWidth = 377
  8.   OnClose = FormClose
  9.   OnCreate = FormCreate
  10.   OnDestroy = FormDestroy
  11.   OnKeyPress = FormKeyPress
  12.   OnShow = FormShow
  13.   PixelsPerInch = 96
  14.   TextHeight = 13
  15.   object StatusBar: TUiStatusBar
  16.     Left = 0
  17.     Top = 325
  18.     Width = 377
  19.     Height = 18
  20.     Panels = <>
  21.     SimplePanel = True
  22.     SimpleText = 'Double-click a file to open it in the associated view.'
  23.   end
  24. end